Njega i liječenje bolesnika s cerebrovaskularnim bolestima u razdoblju od 2010 – 2014 u općini Veles

Care and treatment of patients with cerebrovascular diseases in the period from 2010 – 2014 in the municipality of Veles


Aim: To establish the influence and the specifics of the workplace – nurse on the patients with cerebral vascular diseases and their influence to their health condition.

Material and methods: This specialist work is done on the basis of the data which is available at the General Hospital in Veles, at the Neuropsychiatry Department . This research included most of the employees from the Neuropsychiatry Department. Questionnaire is also used – Barthel’s index.

Results: Most of the patients with cerebrovascular diseases are from 2012, with a larger number of male patients and patients who live in the city. Also, most of the patients with CVD are patients who live in the city and have no physical activities, i.e. retired citizens, unemployed and office workers.

Conclusion: From this research we can conclude that most of the patients with CVD are patients from the older age group and patients who were not physically active, i.e. retired citizens, unemployed and office workers. Age and physical activity are some of the main factors for the occurrence of cerebral vascular diseases.

Key words: CVD, physically active, trombosis, bleeding, hemiplegia, paresis

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