Uticaj muzike na nivo anksioznosti oboljelih od karcinoma pluća tokom apliciranja hemoterapije

The impact of music on the anxiety level of patients with lung cancer after administration of chemotherapy


UVOD: Jedan od najučestalijih načina liječanja karcinoma pluća je hemoterapija. Hemoterapijski tretmani su veoma često agresivni, a supstance koje koriste su neselektivne i izazivaju niz neželjenjenih efekata. Pored fizičke težine, doživljaj neudobnosti može stvoriti poteškoće, emocionalni nemir i djelovati emocionalno traumatski. Opuštajuća ili „sedativ“ muzika, koju karakteriše spor tempo, ponavljajući ritam, blage konture, često se koristi kada se pokušava smanjiti anksioznost.

CILJ: Svrha ovog istraživanja je da se ispita terapijski uticaj muzike kao dio sestrinske intervencije, na nivo anksioznosti i razinu negativne reakcije kod bolesnika sa karcinomom pluća u toku apliciranja hemoterapije.

MATERIJAL I METODE: U ispitivanje su uključene dvije grupe, po 25 ispitanika(N-50). Svi ispitanici su zbog osnovnog tumorskog procesa na plućima primali hemoterapiju. Jedna grupa je u toku apliciranja hemoterapije slušala laganu muziku (ispitivana grupa), dok je druga grupa hemoterapiju primala u tišini (kontrolna grupa). Za objektiviziranje rezultata korištena je skala subjektivne ocjene(VAS), kojom su testirani: anksioznost, strah, briga, umor, udobnost i opuštenost. Ocjenjivanje se vršilo pomoću posebno dizajniranog upitnika za pred i post testiranje za obje grupe.

REZULTATI: Anksioznost koja je u obje grupe bila niža nakon hemoterapije, znatno manja je bila u grupi koja je slušala laganu muziku. Muzika nije značajno uticala na osjećaj umora i udobnosti. Na muziku su se značajno smanjili strah i briga, a povećao osjećaj opuštenosti.

ZAKLJUČAK: S obzirom da je muzika kao terapija neinvazivna i nefarmakološka metoda, jednostavna, jeftina a učinkovita, njena upotreba kao dio sestrinske intervencije može se preporučiti kao prikladan pristup za pacijente oboljele od karcinoma pluća tokom apliciranja hemoterapije.

KLJUČNE RIJEČI: karcinom pluća, hemoterapija, sestrinske intervencije, muzikoterapija


INTRODUCTION:Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments for lung cancer. Chemotherapy treatments are often very aggressive, and substances used are non-selective and can induce side effects. In addition to the physical weight, experience discomfort may create difficulties, emotional turmoil and act emotionally traumatic. Relaxing or “sedative” music, which is characterized by a slow tempo, repetitive rhythm, gentle contours, often used when trying to reduce anxiety.

AIM: The purpose of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effect of music as part of the nursing intervention, the level of anxiety and the level of adverse reactions in patients with lung cancer during chemotherapy administration.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved two groups of 25 subjects (N-50). All of them were due to primary tumor process in the lungs receiving chemotherapy. One group is in the course of administration of chemotherapy listened to soft music (study group), while the second group received chemotherapy in silence (control group). For objectifying results is used the visual analogue scale(VAS), which have been tested: anxiety, fear, worry, fatigue, comfort and relaxation. The evaluation was carried out using a specially designed questionnaire for pre and post test for both groups.

RESULTS: Anxiety, which is in both groups were lower after chemotherapy, significantly lower in the group who listened to soft music. Music had no significant effect on the feeling of fatigue and comfort. On the music were significantly reduced fear and concern, and increased sense of relaxation.

CONCLUSION: Considering that the music therapy as a non-invasive and non-pharmacological methods, simple, cheap and effective, its use as part of nursing interventions can be recommended as a suitable approach for patients suffering from lung cancer during the administration of chemotherapy.

KEY WORDS: Lung cancer, chemotherapy, nursing intervention, music therapy

Nastavi čitati Uticaj muzike na nivo anksioznosti oboljelih od karcinoma pluća tokom apliciranja hemoterapije