Procedures, prevention and treatment of acute myocardial inarkt period of 2012-2014, the cardiology clinic in Skopje
INTRODUCTION: Acute myocardial infarction is an acute coronary ischemia leading to myocardial necrosis.This disease is widespread in the world and as such is still a hot topic for processing. The benefit of its wide distribution and the fact that heart diseases are still the leading cause of death worldwide. 40% to 50% of deaths are due to heart disease. Macedonian practice shows that heart disease is present in a high percentage. Up to 60% of all deaths are attributed to this kind of disease. Survival in developed countries today is 95%.
PURPOSE: reduction of the clinical problem, the pathophysiological mechanism (decline of tissue, atherosclerosis), reduction of the symptoms (pain, dyspnea), complications (sudden death, thromboembolism, arrhythmia, heart failure progression) or new cardiovascular event, reducing the dependence of other people, increased efficiency, increased self-esteem.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: research activity is made using a statistically data JZUU Cardiology Clinic for three years and 2012. 2013. and 2014.
RESULTS: showed that the number of patients with coronary disease or acute myocardial infarction in emergency reviewed clinic- grow, and inversely proportional to age.
DISCUSSION: In 2012, there were 16,138 inspections in emergency clinic, of which 616 patients with MI.In 2013 performed 17 177 examinations of which 846 patients with me.In 2014 performed 19 423 examinations of which 1124 patients with MI. The patient with acute coronary disease or AIM (Acute Coronary Syndromes) is a medical emergency and require coordinated and efficient service from all members of the multidisciplinary team, especially on the initial assessment and treatment of these patients. In recent years there has been a real improvement of services for patients with coronary disease. Challenges remain for maximizing infrastructures and forces between them in order to deliver the best possible care to all who would benefit. The main objective is to reduce morbidity and mortality, and improvement in life expectancy, which in the course of life will have reduced exposure to risk factors related to lifestyle.
Key words: Acute coronary syndromes, stroke, coronary disease
UVOD: Infarkt miokarda je najteži oblik akutne ishemijske bolesti srca. U procesu nastaje potpuno začepljenje koronarne arterije što dovodi do nekroze miokarda zbog nedostatka krvi i hranljivih materija bogatih kiseonikom.
CILJ: ovog rada je utvrditi procedure za definiranje akutnog infarkta miokarda, različite faktore uzroka, sprečavanje i podizanje svijesti o faktorima rizika kod svakog pojedinca i borbi za smanjenje ili eliminaciju faktora rizika koi će biti opisani,,mozni komplikacii i najvažnije pravovremena dijagnoza i pravovremeno liječenje i sprovodzenje terapije.
MATERIJALI I METODE: Za istražovanje su korišteni statistički podaci JZUU Klinike za kardiologiju. Istraživanje je provedeno u period od tri godine i to: a 2012. 2013. i 2014. godine.
REZULTATI: pokazuju da je broj pacijenata sa koronarnom bolesti ili akutnim infarktom miokarda u stalnom porastu.
DISKUSIJA: U 2012. godini, obavljeno je 16.138 hitnih pregleda, od kojih je 616 pacijenata sa infarktom miokarda. U 2013 obavljeno 17. 177 pregleda od kojih 846 pacijenata sa infarktom miokarda, dok je u 2014 obavljeno 19. 423 pregleda od kojih 1124 pacijenata sa infarktom miokarda. Pacijent sa akutnom koronarnom bolesti ili AIM (akutnim koronarnim sindromom) je hitan slučaj i zahtijeva koordiniranu i kvalitetnu uslugu od svih članova multidisciplinarnog tima, posebno kada je u pitanju inicijalna procjena i liječenje ovih bolesnika.
ZAKLJUČAK: Cilj je smanjiti morbiditet i mortalitet, omogućiti poboljšanje životnog vijeka, te uticati na smanjenje faktorima rizika koji utiču na kvalitet života.
KLJUČNE RIJEČI: akutni koronarni sindrom, stemi, moždani udar, koronarna bolest.